
617 palavras 3 páginas
Itinerário Turístico do Castelo de Paderne (Paderne Castle)
Em Inglês:

The Paderne Castle , occupied by the Romans in the mid-second century , it became a political and administrative center , conquered by the Moors in 713 . In 1248 it was taken by the Portuguese crown , D. Palo Peres Correia . The castle was restored by Dom Dinis . Its walls are crenellated mud and patrol path communicating with the tower watchman . Was classified as a Public Interest since 1971 , this is the object of study by the IPPAR - Portuguese Institute of Architectural and Archaeological Heritage in view of its valuation and classification of areas surrounding the Ribeira de Quarteira as Protected Landscape Area . This study includes the identification of various nuclei of archaeological and ethnographic interest , as well as the characterization of the existing fauna and flora hedgehogs , finch , gray wagtail and ) Heron . Despite successive restorations , it became clear the state of your semiabandono the principles century . XVI , with the transfer of the town inside the walls to the north , the current village of Paderne , and later with the 1755 earthquake suffers partial collapse of the walls of the tower and barbican , now his condition is degraded and nowadays presents traces of sections of the wall of the keep entrance , inside the ruins of a church with Gothic and Manueline traces and main walls of his hermitage of Nossa S. Second Assumption ,
Former Parish Paderne , commonly called Lady Chapel of the Castle , is located within the perimeter of the ancient fortification Paderne , but the isolation and ruin this led to their gradual abandonment , and despite successive restorations , was definitely off in 1858 .
It was a small building in the chancel vault and closed body wood , with three altars , with the main altar the sacred image of Our Lady .

Em Português:

O castelo de Paderne, ocupado pelos romanos em meados do século II, foi transformado em centro político e


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