Osu!mania mapping and basics

1004 palavras 5 páginas
Hello everyone!

I'm writing a little introduction to the people who want to start osu!mania mapping!
This guide if you can call that is just about as much as i know and im no master myself and is open for everyones other ideas to make it better so feel free to add to it.

Starting your beatmap:

To begin mapping a song for o!m you have to go into the song setup.
There you go to the advanced options and under "allowed modes" you will select "osu!mania"

In this window is also a checkbox "use special style (N+1 Style) for mania". This means your beatmap will have a turntable.
If you want to create a beatmap in the style of beatmania you should check this box and your first column on the left will be the turntable.

Once you have done that don't close the window and go to the "Difficulty" tab.

HP Drain rate is recommended to be set atleast 7. 9 more realistic feel and 10 will mean no recovery.
Column decides what game mode and how many columns you will play. 4-8
Approach rate is irrelevant.
Overall Difficulty should be set at 7, higher for more difficult gameplay.

Allright lets get started mapping!

Basics and common guides to mapping:

1. Starting off:

So now you have your beatmap setup and are free to map. Where do you start off?

The first thing you should do is find a structure to your beatmap. Not like standard mode you can put your notes all over the place to the sounds you desire to map but there are a few things to keep in mind to create an intuitive and fun beatmap and not a rain of random notes.

1.1 Pitch Relevancy:

22:48 Agka: pitch where a low pitch note takes place to the left and the highest pitch note goes to the right of the playing field

Pitch Relevancy is basicly how high or how low the notes sound. You can easily compare this to a piano where the keys on the left are the more lower notes and the keys on the right are the more higher notes.
The same applies to osu!mania
