MySQL Reference 4.1

332110 palavras 1329 páginas
Manual de Referência do MySQL 4.1

Manual de Referência do MySQL 4.1
This is a translation of the MySQL Reference Manual that can be found at The original Reference
Manual is in English, and this translation is not necessarily as up to date as the English version.
Copyright © 1997-2006 MySQL AB
Document generated on: 2010-03-14 (revisão: 242)
This manual is NOT distributed under a GPL style license. Use of the manual is subject to the following terms:

Conversion to other formats is allowed, but the actual content may not be altered or edited in any way.

You may create a printed copy for your own personal use.

For all other uses, such as selling printed copies or using the manual in whole or in part within another publication, prior written agreement from
MySQL AB is required.

Please contact the for more information or if you are interested in doing a translation.

Preface ........................................................................................................................................ xv
1. Informações Gerais ........................................................................................................................1
1.1. Sobre Este Manual ...............................................................................................................1
1.1.1. Convenções Usadas Neste Manual ..................................................................................2
1.2. Visão Geral do Sistema de Gerenciamento de Banco de Dados MySQL ................................................3
1.2.1. História do MySQL ...................................................................................................4
1.2.2. As Principais Características do MySQL ..........................................................................4
1.2.3. Estabilidade do MySQL


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