Myrtaceae, myrcia squamata (mattos and d. legrand) mattos and myrceugenia seriatoramosa (kiaersk.) d. legrand and kausel in santa catarina: distribution extension

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bISSN 1809-127X (online edition) © 2010 Check List and Authors Open Access | Freely available at


Myrtaceae, Myrcia squamata (Mattos and D. Legrand) Mattos and Myrceugenia seriatoramosa (Kiaersk.) D. Legrand and Kausel in Santa Catarina: Distribution extension
Fábio Christiano Speck Vieira 1* and Karin Esemann de Quadros 2, 3


Journal of species lists and distribution


GeoGraphic DistributioN

Myrtaceae have pantropical distribution, with about 144 genera (Judd et al. 1999) 3,500 to 5,800 species in the world (Lima and Guedes-Bruni 2004), and about 1,000 in Brazil (Schultz 1984). The Brazilian species of Myrtaceae, are characterized for wood habit, leaves opposite, simple, entire, with pellucid glands containing ethereal oils. (Judd et al. 1999, APG III 2009). For the state of Santa Catarina, 23 species of Myrceugenia (Legrand and Klein 1970; Landrum 1981; 1984; Sobral 2003) and 37 species of Myrcia (included Gomidesia in this genus, Sobral 2003; Legrand and Klein 1967, 1969, 1977), are cited. Collection trips were made from May/2004 to June/2006 in high montane and montane ombrophilous dense forest (Veloso 1992) on Monte Crista, Garuva municipality, and on Castelo dos Bugres, in Joinville municipality, in Santa Catarina state, where two species were collected for the first time in the state. The maps (Figures 1 and 2) were built with DIVA-GIS 5.2. The geographic coordinates in Santa Catarina state, taken in field and the additional ones were taken from MBM herbarium and literature (Lima and Guedes-Bruni 2004; Landrum 1981) and data bank hosted in CRIA (2008). Myrcia squamata Mattos and D. Legrand and Myrceugenia seriatoramosa (Kiaersk.) D. Legrand and Kausel, are first recorded for the state of Santa Catarina. Now 38 species of Myrcia and 24 of Myrceugenia are assigned, increasing the number of Myrtaceae species in the state. This two species are found in Garuva and Joinville municipality. Samples of plants
