
273 palavras 2 páginas

In a world in constant transformation the training and development if had become in current days one of the great weapons for the success of the organizations. The information arrives the time all and in search of this information for the one best one resulted, the companies look professionals capable to generate, to manage and to transmit this knowledge. In this search, the training and development appear as an efficient form for this transposition. The preparation of the employee for specific positions comes through the training, that if became basic for the enterprise management. The organizations having this vision pass if to more dedicate each time for this intention. The form with that these training is made accurately aims at the area which the same is destined and consequently the accompaniment after-training is an efficient form of if to know if the training got positive answers or not. The Organizations are worried about the stages of the training, if the context arrived its employees, measures and evaluates each stage of the process of a training. But it is not only enough to train, with this concept and the anxiety of if investing in the professional qualification the organizations start to invest energy in its employees, developing them. The cycle of the training the tools to train the used methods and as it develops them are constituent parts of this monograph as well as a importance to develop people. The development of people appears of form to give continuity to the training. The update, the perfectioning and the professional development generate value the career of the professional adding and developing


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