
4524 palavras 19 páginas
XXII Encontro Nacional de Engenharia de Produção Curitiba – PR, 23 a 25 de outubro de 2002


Priscilla Cristina Cabral Ribeiro
Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto / Escola de Minas / Depto de Engenharia de Produção Tels: ( 31) 3559-1497/ 1540. Fax: (31) 3559- 1555, priscri @em.ufop.br.

Karine Araújo Ferreira
Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto / Escola de Minas / Depto de Engenharia de Produção Campus Universitário - Morro do Cruzeiro – CEP 35.400-000- Ouro Preto, MG, karine@em.ufop.br.

Abstract The transport is responsible for the biggest parcel of the logistic costs in a company. Therefore, it has a very great concern with the reduction of its costs, leading the initiatives as the intermodality (integration of some modal ones of transport and the sprouting of logistic operators, or either, of rendering of integrated logistic jobs, in order to generate economy of scale when sharing its capacity and its features of movement with some customers. The transport systems consist in one of the main logistic functions and have basic paper in the performance of diverse dimensions of the Job to the Customer. Of the point of view of the costs, it represents, in average, about 60% the logistic expenditures, what it can mean two or three times the profit of a company. This work has for objective to define, to characterize, to classify modal of load transport, establishing a matching between them, in order to enrich the quarrel concerning the subject. Terms as logistic, multimodality and intermodality will be used and quickly treated, since they are part of the quarrel of the subject transportation. Keywords: logistic, transport, multimodality and intermodality.

1.Introdução O transporte representa o elemento mais importante do custo logístico na maioria das empresas e tem papel fundamental na prestação do Serviço ao Cliente. Do ponto de vista de custos, Nazário (In:


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