
876 palavras 4 páginas
election Criteria The interview questions in this pack are based on an analysis of the job description for
Maritime Sustainable Developments Officer with the Falmouth Harbour Commission, and also draw on selection criteria that are common to many graduate occupations, identified through sources such as Criteria inferred from the job description Questions 1. Understanding of the role 1,5
2. Motivations 2, 26
3. Understanding of the business, environmental and related issues 1, 3, 4, 7
4. Qualitative and quantitative research skills (specifically in grounded theory)
12, 13, 14, 15
5. Hard and soft systems theory 15
6. Communication and negotiation skills 6, 17, 22
7. Organisation and planning 18
8. Investigative and analytical skills 14
9. Project management skills 8, 9, 11
10. Confidence and presentation skills 6, 24, 25
11. Stakeholder management 5, 6
12. Leadership and change management 19, 23
13. Initiative and problem solving 10, 19, 20, 21

Example Selection Interview Questions 1. Give me a brief overview of things that you have done that you feel relate well to the needs of this post, indicating why they are relevant to the post.

2. What in particular attracts you to this role?

3. How do you keep up to date with environmental affairs?

4. What general factors might you consider in terms of evaluating long term sustainability of the harbour taking account of both environmental and economic concerns?

5. A large part of this role involves liaison with our stakeholders and the development of a communication strategy. Who do you see as the main stakeholders in our business and why?

6. How might you approach convincing a stakeholder whose main concerns are economic
e.g. a local mooring association, about changes to practice in the anchoring of commercial vessels based on


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