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Brazil - Mobile Market - Overview, Statistics and Forecasts

Brazil is home to more than one third of all mobile users in Latin America and the Caribbean. Mobile penetration is upward of 132% and still growing by about 7% annually.
The four major mobile companies – Vivo, Claro, TIM Brasil, and Oi – have won spectrum in the 2.5GHz band for 4G services, and are rolling out LTE networks. The government is keen for Brazil to have an LTE network in place and working seamless for the 2014 FIFA World Cup, which is being held in Brazil. Claro was the first of the mobile operators to launch commercial LTE services, starting with Recife, the capital of Pernambuco, where the network went live in December 2012.
The Brazilian government has sanctioned the use of the 700MHz band – previously allocated to television broadcasters – for mobile broadband services. Anatel is preparing to auction spectrum in this band even though it will not be fully released by broadcasters until 2016.
In Brazil, the proportion of purchases made from mobiles is still minimal, but the country looks set to become the m-commerce pioneer in Latin America. Vendors and technology developers are designing innovative strategies and applications to meet the challenge, and mobile shopping is expected to skyrocket in the near future.
The price of smartphones in Brazil is still too high for the country’s socioeconomic environment, and smartphone penetration is slightly lower than the estimated world average. However, the country’s burgeoning middle class is becoming an increasingly avid consumer of smartphones. Sales are expected to soar in 2013, also thanks to the tax breaks introduced by the government at the start of the year, which should help lower the average selling price.
Accompanied by key market statistics and analyses, this report provides an overview of the mobile voice and data market. It also contains scenario forecasts for the years 2015 and 2020.
Key developments:
Brazil achieves 100%


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