
768 palavras 4 páginas
School: Cipex Idiomas. Student : Janaíne Harnisch

Reading (Leitura)
Proverbs (Provérbios) A proverb is a short saying that expresses some truth or teaches a lesson. Read the proverbs below. Then read the situations and decide which proverb goes with each situation. - Don’t count your chickens before they hatch. – Don’t expect something before you’re sure that you’ll get it. - Look before you leap. –Think carefully before you act or make a decision. - Blood is thicker than water.- Family is more important than friends or coworkers. -No news is good news.- Usually, if something bad happens, you will hear about it right away. So, IF you don’t hear any news that means that everything is alright. Situations 1. Sarah had a problem. Her friend’s birthday was on the same day as her brother’s birthday. She really wanted to go to her friend’s party, but she decided to go to her brother’s party. 2. Jerry is worried because his son. Tom, is traveling alone. Jerry’s wife, Linda Said, “Don’t worry, Tom Will call IF He needs help or money.” 3. Joe bought a lottery ticket today. He was sure that he was going to win so he bought a huge, expensive new house. Unfortunately. He didn’t win and now he can’t pay for the house. 4. Bill bought lots of stock in a company just because he liked its name. The next day, the company lost of its business and Bill lost all of his money.

Leitura Provérbios
Um provérbio é um ditado curto que expressa algumas verdades ou ensina uma lição. Leia os provérbios abaixo. Em seguida ler as situações e decidir qual provérbio acompanha as situações. - Não conte seus frangos antes que choquem. –Não espere alguma coisa antes que você tenha certeza que você vai obter. - Veja antes seu salto. –Pensar cuidadosamente antes de você agir ou fazer uma decisão.

- Sangue é mais grosso do que a água. –Família é mais importante que amigos ou colegas de serviços. - Nenhuma noticia é boa noticias. –Geralmente se alguma coisa ruim acontecer, você ouvira sobre


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