
540 palavras 3 páginas
Somebody Help! The pronouns simply disappeared in the lyrics. So complete the verses with of from the table on the back of the page! It will be easy! Trust yourself!

Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band By Beatles
_____ was twenty years ago today
Sargeant Pepper taught the band to play,
_________'ve been going in and out of style,
But _______'re guaranteed to raise a smile,
So may _______ introduce to __________,
The act __________'ve known for all these years,
Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.

________'re Sargeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band,
_________ hope ________ will enjoy the show,
Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band,
Sit back and let the evening go.
Sargeant Pepper's Lonely
Sargeant Pepper's Lonely
Sargeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band

_________'s wonderful to be here,
_________'s certainly a thrill
__________'re such a lovely audience,
________'d like to take _______ home with ______, ______'d love to take ____ home.

_____ don't really want to stop the show,
But _____ thought _______ might like to know,
That the singer's going to sing a song
And _______ wants you all to sing along,
So let _____ introduce to _______
The one and only Billy Shears
And Sargeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.

A Table of Pronouns in English!
Pronouns Table Subject Pronoun | Object Pronoun | Possessive Adjectives | Possessive Pronoun | Reflexive Pronoun | I | Me | My | Mine | Myself | You | You | Your | Yours | Yourself | He | Him | His | His | Himself | She | Her | Her | Hers | Herself | It | It | Its | Its | Itself | We | Us | Our | Ours | Ourselves | You | You | Your | Yours | Yourselves | They | Them | Their | Theirs | Themselves |

Reciprocal Pronouns (Each Other / One Another)

We normally use this two in the same way but perhaps “one another” is prefered when we make general statements and


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