
586 palavras 3 páginas
Tabela de Verbos Presente | Futuro | Passado | Do(fazer) | | Did(fazia) | Eat(comer) | | Ate(comia) | Get(conseguir) | | Got(conseguia) | Go(ir) | | Went(ia) | Have(ter) | | Had(tinha) | Meet(encontrar) | | Met(encontrou) | Read(ler) | | Read(lia) | See(ver) | | Saw(via) | Sleep(dormir) | | Slept(dormia) | Take(tomar) | | Took(tomou) |

Verb to Be (Ser ou estar)
* I * You * He * She * It
* We * You * They Forma afirmativaNo presente | Forma negativaNo presente | Forma InterogativaNo presente | I am (sou/estou) | I am not | Am i? | You are (é/está) | You are not | Are you? | He is (é/está) | He is not | Is He? | She is (é/está) | She is not | Is she? | It is (é/está) | It is not | Is it? | We are (somos/estamos) | We are not | Are we? | You are (são/estão) | You are not | Are you? | They are (são/estão) | They are not | Are they? |

Forma afirmativaNo futuro (will be) | Forma negativaNo futuro (will not be) | Forma interrogativeNo future (Will ... be) | I will be | I Will not be | Will i be? | You will be | You will not be | Will you be? | He will be | He will not be | Will he be? | She will be | She will not be | Will she be? | It will be | It will not be | Will it be? | We will be | We will not be | Will we be? | You will be | You will not be | Will you be? | They will be | They will not be | Will they be? |

Forma afirmativaNo passado (was/were) | Forma negativaNo passado | Forma interrogativaNo passado | I was | I was not | Was i? | You were | You were not | Were you? | He was | H e was not | He was? | She was | She was not | She was? | It was | It was not | It wes? | We were | We were not | We were? | You were | You were not | You were? | They were | They were not | They were? |
| Presente | Futuro | Passado | A | I am playing Ball on the street. (eu estou jogando bola na rua) | I Will be playing ball


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