Inglês 10ºano - a world of global communication

945 palavras 4 páginas
* Vocabulary English | Portuguese | Addiction | Vício | Addicted | Viciado | Break | Quebrar | Psychological dependence | Dependência psicológica | Beauty | Beleza | Body tips | Tipos de corpo | Communication | Comunicação | Worldwide | Em todo o mundo | Cyber affairs | Caso/romance cibernauta | Flirt | Namorisco | Online dating | Namoro online | Cyberspace | Ciberespaço | Database | Base de dados | Deleted | Excluído | Feature article | Últimos artigos | Feature news | Últimas notícias | Hoax | Engano | Broadcast | Difundir | Chat rooms | Salas de chat | Globalization | Globalização | Soap opera | Novela | Television | Televisão | Gambling | Jogo (a dinheiro) | Drugs | Drogas | Overuse | Excesso de uso | Affair | Romance/caso | Gaming | Jogo | Debts | Dívidas | Updated | Actualizado | Up-to-date | Estar em dia | Colleagues | Colegas | Out of date | Fora de prazo | Outdated | Ultrapassado |

* Reported Speech

* Páginas 110-112 do manual * Fichas * Página 16 do Training Link * Páginas 42/43 do Workbook

* Phrasal verbs

* A phrasal verb has 2 parts: 1) A verb 2) A preposition (at least one)

* Often a phrasal verb has a special meaning * Examples: 1) Show up = arrive/come 2) Show off = brag/ show how great you are 3) Show around = to familiarize someone with a new place 4) Take off = leave a place 5) Take after = to resemble or look like another person

* An object of a phrasal verb can appear: 1) After the phrasal verb: They turned up the volume. 2) In the middle of phrasal verb: They turned the volume up. 3) But, if the object is a pronoun it must be in the middle: They turned it up.

* Página 77 do manual * Página 11 do Training Link * Páginas 29/30 do Workbook

* Connectors/ Linking words

* Contrast Connectors 1) After although/ though/ even though we use subject+verb 2)


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