identidade do professor

4646 palavras 19 páginas

Pollyanne Bicalho Ribeiro1

Abstract: The objective of this work is analyzer the function of the memorial genre in the formation process, principally the implications of your hybrid nature at the identity construction of the teacher subject and/at the own group. Putting in the scene the knowledge and acting with it, discursively constructed and deconstructed by the teacher subject, we had the interest to analyzer the telling way, be or realize, and your effects into the situations of education/learning. The corpus is revelator when brings at the top the answers of the subject teacher itself, with others and with the knowledge, obtained through circumstanced meta cognitive process, and guaranteed by the memorial genre. It’s a dialogical space, not at all, by a fragmentation of the data front the new, the accommodation process, so the translation of the institutional knowledge. Too, was analyzed the configuration of the mentioned genre, and, principally, the correlation between the elements of your organization, the production conditions (enunciation circumstances and your historical-social context) and the social subjects participators of the discursive process in study. The scenario-theories of this work bring studies of the formation and the function of the produced discuses in the social interaction.
Resumo: Este trabalho visa a analisar a função do gênero memorial em processos formativos, tendo em vista, principalmente, as implicações de sua natureza híbrida para a construção identitária do sujeito docente e do grupo de pertença. Por colocar em cena e encenar saberes discursivamente construídos e desconstruídos pelo sujeito professor, interessou-nos analisar modos de dizer o ser/fazer e seus efeitos para a tomada de posicionamento, em meio a situações de ensino/aprendizagem. O corpus é (re)velador à medida que traz à tona respostas da relação do sujeito professor, consigo, com o


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