Gol do corinthians

618 palavras 3 páginas
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|You use personal pronouns to refer to yourself, the people you are talking to, or the people or things you are talking about. There |
|are two types of personal pronouns: subject pronouns and object pronouns. Subject pronouns are used to refer to the subject of a |
|clause. Object pronouns can be the direct or indirect object of a clause or the object of a preposition. |

|Text: In hospital |

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| |Patient — Could you do me a favour? |
| |Nurse — Sure. What? |
| |Patient — Could _____ phone my daughter and tell her I'm in hospital? |
| |Nurse — Of course, but why don't you phone _____? |
| |Patient — I'm afraid she will be angry if she knows we had a car accident yesterday.


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