Gesture drawing for animation by walt stanchfield

48357 palavras 194 páginas
Gesture Drawing for Animation

Walt Stanchfield
Edited by

Leo Brodie


Walt Stanchfield

This compilation is not copyrighted or protected in any way by the editor of the compilation (Leo Brodie). It is based on a series of un-copyrighted class notes written by animation instructor Walt Stanchfield during the period roughly from 1970 to 1990. Since then, these class handouts have been widely copied and shared amongst animation students and members of the animation industry with Mr. Stanchfield's blessing and encouragement; in that spirit, the handouts are now available freely on the Internet. Some of the illustrations in this book represent preliminary drawings of cartoon characters that are the properties of their respective copyright holder(s) and are therefore protected by copyright. These illustrations were part of the original handouts and are included here for educational purposes to illustrate specific principles of animation technique. No endorsement of this book by the copyright holder(s) is implied, nor do the views expressed in this book necessary reflect those of the copyright holders(s). I hope that covers it.

Gesture Drawing for Animation


Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Go for the Truth .........................................................................................2 Observe, Observe, Observe..........................................................................................2 Lead to the Emotion.....................................................................................................4 Give Them the Experience...........................................................................................5 The Driving Force behind the Action ..........................................................................5 Gesture .........................................................................................................................9 The Essence
