
4291 palavras 18 páginas

Angélia Berndt Plínio Cornélio Filho Vera Lucia D.V.Pereira, Dr. Dálvio Ferrari Tubino, Dr.
Prog. de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção - UFSC/LEET Caixa Postal - 476 - CEP: 88010-970 -

. Abstract: A firm, factory or industry, not leaving aside the focus on its greater goal, to provide nourishment of its employees, through a contracted catering service purchase, the so called third party service. Today, the management of this kind of service purchase, aims to improve life quality of its employees, and a better productivity. Contracted catering firms no its turn, search for market place recognition, through a steady position, new customers and profit, must be flexible and have a self activities planning, in order to be prepared and adapted to market place uncertainty. Nowadays, the (NNU) Nourishment and Nutrition Units, have got a special concern with the kind of the good to be stored, according to their life time perishability but, the (NNUs) do not apply the appropriate storage management technique, compatible with the production system. The ABC curve, when self applied, just a little it is able to help, since the vital and many trivial items used for meals production are already known, and these items do not get to be managed in accordance to their importance and cost, unless applying other methods more specific for that like (Replacement Point Method, Periodical Reviewing Model MRP among others), but they have already issued their applicability by some authors. Key words: alimentation, demanda, estoque

1. Introdução Nas últimas décadas, em virtude da industrialização e da mudança cultural que se deu com o processo de afirmação das mulheres no mercado de trabalho, ocorreu uma grande mudança na forma do trabalhador se alimentar, principalmente no que se refere ao local das refeições realizadas no intervalo do turno de trabalho. Subsidiadas pela


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