Exercícios de inglês 8º e 9º anos

658 palavras 3 páginas
Disciplina: Língua Inglesa Ensino: Fundamental II Aluno (a): _______________________________________________ Teacher : Angélica S. Bianco Ano : º Nº: Bimestre: Data: ____/ ____/ ____
Read the text below and answer the questions.
How do you greet people? It all depends on the situation, of course.
Renata, from Brazil: I just kiss them on the cheek. Just one kiss, because I'm from São Paulo. I have friends from Rio and they always kiss twice. If it's a friend or relative, and if I haven't seen them in a while, I give them a kiss and a hug. I have never seen men kiss each other, except if they're father and son. In formal situations... Maybe a handshake, but that feels a little strange to me. I guess I don't participate in too many formal situations so I don't know what I would do. I think I would let the other person lead the way and then I would just do what they did.
Guillermo, from Chile: When it's the first time I'm meeting someone, I shake hands. With my guy friends, I give them a hug or a pat on the back. If I'm greeting a female friend, it's different: I give her a kiss on the cheek and sometimes I hug her. Women greet each other the same way: kissing and sometimes hugging.
Marco, from Italy: I shake hands in formal situations. Where I live, kissing is acceptable. It's OK for men to kiss each other, for men to kiss women or for women to kiss each other. But with my male friends I usually just give a hug or a pat on the back.
Molly, from the USA: When I greet close friends I give them a hug. For casual friends, I just say "Hi". For guys it's a little different. Where I live they never hug each other, it's just "Hey, man". In formal situations I always shake hands, and it's important to shake hands firmly. When I'm saying good-bye to people I'm not very close to, I also shake hands, be it a man or a woman. Kissing is not usual around here, unless it's among really close family members or friends.
Q.1) If you're in a business meeting


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