
273 palavras 2 páginas

Date and Place of birth?

When did you start surfing?

What is your home-break? Favorite wave?

What do you ride?

Tipi, can you tell us about your family background, where are they from?

We know you are a multi-business man, what are your businesses?

How, why and when did you decide to start the ISC?

Going back to Indonesia only, we have to points that IndoSurfLife.com would like to bring up. 1- What does TIPI think about the ISC that does not allow Foreigners (even if they are residents) in the Tour? Out foreigners could push the Indonesian level up?

2- We have been talking to many surfers, and it does not matter if they are Natural or Goofy footer they all agree that we need Lefts at ISC tour. Why do we have only Rights? Is there any way it can change?

Where would be, for you, the best wave for an ISC stop?

So ISC is increasing, now we have ASC. What is ASC and what’s its mission? And which countries are involved?

How is it going to work between events ISC/ASC?

Who you think should be running the WQS? We have Dede and Lee, who else should be out doing it?

We have 2 top surfers without sponsor, why do you think it’s happening?

What you would like for the future of Indonesian surf?

Can you give us 3 names for Future Indonesians WT?

You are the best example of a smart, cool and good surfer, what would you say for the kids that want to become a professional surfer?



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