Education at a glance-ocde

16473 palavras 66 páginas
Education at a Glance 2006


ExEcutivE Summary
Education at a Glance 2006 provides a rich, comparable and up-to-date collection of indicators on the performance of education systems. While the focus is on the 0 OECD countries, the indicators also include a number of partner countries from throughout the world. The indicators look at who participates in education, what is spent on it, how education and learning systems operate and a wide range of outcomes, from how well secondary school children can solve problems to the effect of education on adults’ chances of securing employment. New material in this edition includes further analysis of results of the 200 survey of the OECD’s Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), covering the lowest performing students and the effects of family background (Indicator A6), the way classes are organised in schools (Indictor A7) and student access to and use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) (Indicator D5). Other new data cover: tertiary qualifications (Indicator A); survival rates in tertiary education (Indicator A); the impact of demographic trends on education systems and implications for expenditure to the year 2015 (Indicator A11); average tuition fees charged by educational institutions (Indicator B5); trends in expected years of education (Indicator C1); a global picture of the distribution of foreign students by destinations and their contribution to the graduate output of their country of study (Indicator C); and instruction time per subject for 9-to-14-year-olds (Indicator D1). Key findings for this edition are as follows:
Educational attainment is rising across the OECD area

As ever more students participate in education beyond compulsory schooling, the rate of completion of upper secondary education has risen to above eight in ten, and the rate of completion of tertiary education at the level of a


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