Book us birds

5682 palavras 23 páginas
Diagnosis of abdominal diseases

in birds by combined radiography and ultrasonography
M. Gumpenberger (1), A. Scope (2).








This paper describes the diagnostic possibilities of the combined radiographic and ultrasonographic examination of abdominal diseases in birds. Although radiographs give a good overview of the skeletal system, they do not always render information on the origin or the inner structure of soft-tissue opacities, even after additional contrast studies of the gastrointestinal tract have been performed. Ultrasonography can be used to image the parenchymal texture of organs and to detect free abdominal fluids.
The combination of both imaging techniques is therefore very helpful both as a diagnostic as well as a prognostic tool in avian medicine. Using examples, the advantages and disadvantages of both investigation techniques, as well as their useful combination, are demonstrated. In two cases, computed tomography studies were also performed.
Key words: Radiography, ultrasonography, computed tomography, bird, neoplasia, hernia, egg binding.
Abbreviation: CT = computed tomography.


in radiographs taken of birds than they do in mammals. For better visualisation and definition of soft tissue opacities in the body cavity, contrast studies of the gastrointestinal tract can be performed (oral administration of 25% barium sulphate;
20 ml/kg body mass). Depending on the location, shape and degree of filling of the bowel loops, and also their position, deductions can be made as to changes in the digestive tract itself, but also on the size and location of organs as well as the possible presence or absence of neoplasms or hernias (Grimm,
1991; Krautwald e t al. , 1992; Rübel, 1991). Details on radiographic anatomy and passage times of contrast media in the different avian species may be obtained from the literature (Krautwald et al., 1992; Rübel, 1992; Smith and
Smith, 1992).


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