Ação de acolhimento em saúde

8903 palavras 36 páginas

Avaliação das ações de aconselhamento. Análise de uma perspectiva de prevenção centrada na pessoa Evaluation of counseling activities: analysis of a person-centered prevention perspective
S a n d ra Lúcia Fi l g u e i ras 1 Suely Fe r re i ra Deslandes 2

1 C o o rdenação Na c i o n a l D S T / A i d s , Se c retaria de Po líticas de Saú de, Ministério da Saúde. Esplanada dos Mi n i s t é r i o s , Ministério da Saúde, bloco G, s o b re l o j a , Bra s í l i a , DF 7 0 0 5 8 - 9 0 0 , Bra s i l . f i l g u e i ra s @ a i d s . g ov. b r 2 De p a rtamento de En s i n o, Instituto Fernandes Fi g u e i ra , Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Ministério da Saúde. Av. Rui Barbosa 716, Rio de Ja n e i ro, RJ 2 2 2 5 0 - 0 2 0 , Bra s i l . d e s l a n d e s @ i f f. f i o c r u z . b r

Abstract This paper evaluates STD/HIV/Aids counseling activities provided by the Bra z i l i a n National Health Ca re System (SUS). The following institutional health services were assessed: four anonymous testing and counseling centers, one clinic specializing in treatment for people with HIV, and five STD clinics. All the above are re c o g n i zed as training centers by the Bra z i l i a n Ministry of Health (National STD/Aids Control Program). The data were collected from March to September 1997. The counseling activities from these health services was compared with guidelines developed by the National STD/Aids Control Pro g ram using a qualitative eva l u a t i o n methodology. The main categories analyzed were: a) approaching the patient; b) active listening; c) effective communication; d) risk assessment and discussion of alternatives for risk re d u c t i o n ; and e) orientation concerning clinical aspects and treatment (treatment compliance and improved quality of life). The paper concludes by suggesting changes to improve counseling. Key words Health Education; Counseling; Evaluation of Results of Pre ve n t i ve Actions; Sexually Transmitted Diseases; Sex


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