
257 palavras 2 páginas
the of and to in was that his he it with as by for is had but which on be at not they from were their this or have you her who all him an so are one she my them we been no me if said there when would more will odeeparaemfoiquesuaeleelecomcomoporparaétinhamasqueemseremnãoelesa partir deforamsuapresenteoutervocêsuaquetodoseleumassimsãoumelaa minhaelesnósfoinãomesedissenãoquandoseriamais vai some what into has could than out then up its man time now two upon these after footnote may only other see such do great very any your about made our well first most like before little himself over without own those good might men can should did where come people must algunso queemtempoderiaqueforaem seguida,atésuahomemtempoagoradoisem cimaessesdepoisnotapodeapenasoutrosvejataisfazergrandemuitoqualquersuasobrefeitanossabemprimeiromaiscomoantespoucosemaissemprópriaosboapodehomenspodedevefezondevempessoas deve us day long much down same mr never even old under through still while many know every life three how way years came king go being again here make back new against found yet say too last though head away right hand place god another shall country part far left eyes soon diatempomuitobaixomesmomrnuncamesmoidadeematravésaindaenquantomuitossabercadavidatrêscomoformaanosveioreiirsendonovamenteaquifazervoltanovocontraencontradosaindadizertambémpassadoemboracabeçadistânciadireitomãolugardeusoutrodevepaíspartemuitoesquerdaolhosem breve went take each just power name am death world nor mind once off among thought whom house get nothing between hundred think both young because saw ever let themselves emperor case work whose war took general city state side things always days thus face night less give asked body also seemed four
