
553 palavras 3 páginas
1 INTRODUÇÃO........................................... 07 2 JUSTIFiCATiVA........................................................................... 11 3 OBJETiVOS............................................................................... 12 3.1 Objetivo geraL........................................................................... 12 3.20bjetivos específicos.................................................................. 12 4 REVISÃO DE LITERATURA.......................................................... 13 4.1 Aprendizagem........................................................................... 13 4.2 Avaliação da Aprendizagem..................................... 15 4.3 Avaliação do Rendimento Escolar................................................ 16 4.4 Significado de Aprender e Ensinar................................................. 19 4.5 Tipos de Avaliação...................................................................... 21 Assessment in the processo The assessment of learning school in Brazil, today, in general, is a service of a dominant pedagogy which, in turn, serves to a dominant social model, which, generally, can be identified as liberal conservative social rnodel. Vou can say that the conservative liberal model of society pedagogies produced three different but related with each other and with the same goal, keep the company in its configuration. The traditional pedagogy, focused on intellect, the transmission and content in the person of Professor; a renewed pedagogy or escolanovista, focused on feelings, in the spontaneity of the production of knowledge and educating with their individual differences and, finally, the technical Pedagogy , focusing on the exacerbation of the technical means of transmission and seizure of the conservative liberal model of society, trying to produce, without success, a social equalizer,


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