
2199 palavras 9 páginas
Artigo Original/Original Article

Impacto de uma intervenção para redução do desperdício em uma Unidade de Alimentação e
Impact of an intervention to reduce waste in a Food and Nutrition Unit

BICALHO, A. H.; LIMA, V. O. B. Impact of an intervention to reduce waste in a Food and Nutrition Unit. Nutrire: rev. Soc. Bras. Alim. Nutr. = J.
Brazilian Soc. Food Nutr., São Paulo, SP, v. 38, n. 3, p. 269-277, dez. 2013.
In this study, we aimed to determine the influence of a campaign against food waste and the adoption of a self-service system on the consumption variables of students and employees in a public education institution. To this end, we quantified the following variables: number of meals, amount of food produced, leftovers not distributed, amount of food distributed, per capita consumption, total rest-ingestion, per capita rest-ingestion, percentage of leftovers, and percentage of food scraps. After the campaign, there was a significant reduction in per capita consumption and per capita rest-ingestion, showing the influence of this awareness on the amount of food to be consumed as well as on waste reduction, indicated by the rest-ingestion values. A significant decrease in the rest-ingestion index was observed in the self-service system, showing that this practice contributes to food waste reduction. There was a significant reduction in the amount of food wasted after the campaign and the adoption of the self-service distribution system; however, the values found are still above those recommended in the literature. The results indicate the need to implement not only measures to reduce waste, but also more effective interventions for the planning and distribution of adequate preparations.

Nutricionista, Instituto Federal do
Norte de Minas Gerais – IFNMG.
Mestre em Ciência da Nutrição,
Universidade Federal


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