artigo contecsi 2015 final

3170 palavras 13 páginas
Project Presentation: Management of Systems and Information Technology in
Institutions of Higher Education - GESITI / IHE.
Marcus Vinicius B. de Souza (Faculdade de Tecnologia de Itapetininga - Fatec Itapetininga
- Centro Paula Souza - CEETEPS, São Paulo, Brasil)
Antonio José Balloni1 (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill-USA - Departments of
Public Policy, North Carolina, USA)
In a scenario where the Institutions of Higher Education –IHE- are facing issues such as: 1.
- How to keep and maintain the interest of students in the classroom? and 2. - How the traditional patterns of teaching and learning interact with the exponential growth of available information? and other topics; we propose the presentation of the project: "
Management Systems and Information Technology in Higher Education Institutions
(GESITI/IHE) ", a research proposal which seeks to answer the above -and othersconcerns. Therefore, based on a prospective tool –the Questionnaire Prospective, (QP)-, which has specially been developed to answer the above concerns regarding education, the application of this QP aims to perform a survey on the management of information systems and technologies in IHE. Due to the multifocal characteristic of the QP, and from the results obtained by the application of this QP in IHE, will be possible to make available information for decision-making support regarding managerial concerns -as well others concerns –the GESITI/IHE is multifocal-. The participation in the project GESITI/IHE is open to all interested parties, which should apply the proposed methodology in IHE localized in their region or city. The involvement in this research project should be formalized via a win – win cooperation term (research level agreement).
Keywords: Research; Higher Education; Information Systems Management, Information
Technology; Prospective Questionnaire Multifocal
Apresentação do Projeto: Gestão dos Sistemas e


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