Artigo Cientifico

1710 palavras 7 páginas

Amilton Jr Simith Silva, Thairon Luiz, Nelson yamaguti, Alêfe Caique

Instituto de Estudos Superior da Amazônia - IESAM
Av. José Malcher, 1148, CEP:66055-260 – Bairro: Nazaré - Belém – Pará – Brasil E-mails:,,

Abstract: This paper presents a prototype intelligent parking with the purpose of facilitating the lives of drivers. Thus, at the entrance of the parking lot Will be an automatic gate and inside parking on the upper corner of each wave there are two LEDs to identify if the vacancy is free or occupied, in order to guide it away from the driver knows where the free vacancy red LEDs (occupied vacant), green (free vacancy) and yellow for special berth. At the site of the vacancy, at its center will be a LDR sensor (linght Dependent Resistors) sensor dependent on light, to detect if the vacancy is busy. This detection is through the amount of light that the sensor is getting the LED, with a busy job, there is the activation of the red LED, otherwise, the sign that the vacancy is available is indicated by the green LED. The proposed technology is accessible and low cost of implementation that make life easier for drivers of vehicles avoiding wasted time and fuel.

Key words: LDR, smart parking, Arduino Mega, A transmission Radio Frequency.

Resumo: Neste trabalho é apresentado um protótipo de estacionamento inteligente com o objetivo de facilitar a vida dos condutores de veículos. Assim, na entrada do estacionamento haverá uma cancela automática e dentro do estacionamento no canto superior de cada vaga haverá dois LEDs para identificar se a vaga esta livre ou ocupada, servindo de orientação para que de longe o condutor saiba onde se encontra a vaga livre, LEDs vermelho(vaga ocupada) , verde(vaga livre) e amarelo para vaga especial. No local da vaga, em seu centro


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