Artigo Cient Fico 04

3325 palavras 14 páginas
Tamanho da ár ea de vida e padrão de uso do espaço em gr upos de sagüis, área grupos
Callithrix jacchus (Linnaeus) (Pr imates, Callitr ichidae) (Primates,
Carla Soraia Soares de Castro 1
Departamento de Fisiologia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. Caixa postal 1511, 59078-970 Natal, Rio
Grande do Norte, Brasil. E-mail:

ABSTRACT. Home r ange siz sizee and patter pattern marmoset groups oups, Callithrix jacchus n of r ange use in common mar moset gr oups imates ichidae). The influence of abundance and distribution of fruits and gums resources
(Primates imates, Callitr
Linnaeus) (Pr in home range size and pattern of range use were investigated in Callithrix jacchus. From October 1996 to January
1998 two groups (QT and PB) that lived in a National Forest/IBAMA-RN in northeastern Brazil (6º5’S, 35º12’W), were observed once a week by instantaneous scan sampling. The frequency of quadrant’s visit in the home range was recorded at five minute intervals. Trees used for feeding on fruits and/or gum by the study groups were marked with flagging tape and numbered. Samples of the food items were collected for identification. Data on the temporal variation in fruits abundance was based on the monthly phenological observations of the marked trees. Study groups showed small home range size (QT: 2.4 ha and PB: 0.7 ha). No significant differences in home range size between dry and wet months were found, but groups showed a tendency to broadened the range use in the wet months. This revealed a behavioral strategy which marmosets exploited more gums face to decreased in fruits abundance. The abundance and distribution in clusters of fruits and gums resources influenced the pattern of range use and home range size.
KEY WORDS. Common marmosets, Callitrhix jacchus, home range, range use.

Diferenças no tamanho da área de vida e no padrão de uso do espaço em primatas parece ser uma resposta às variáveis ambientais


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