Artigo Anatomia floral

4455 palavras 18 páginas
Revista Brasil. Bot., V.26, n.2, p.175-184, jun. 2003

Morfologia e anatomia da flor de Pilocarpus pennatifolius Lem.
(recebido: 21 de março de 2001; aceito: 5 de fevereiro de 2003)

ABSTRACT – (Floral morphology and anatomy of Pilocarpus pennatifolius Lem. (Rutaceae)). Pilocarpus pennatifolius Lem.
(Rutaceae) presents actinomorphics, dichlamydeous, nectariferous and monoclinous flowers, disposed in pendulous racemes.
The anthesis is basipetal in the inflorescence and it is preferentially nocturne. The flower presents five stamens with tetrasporangiate anthers. The anther wall presents epidermis, endothecium, two middle layers and binucleate tapetum; the connective shows epidermis with stomata. The unipistilate gynoecium and compound by five carpels, which are joined at the base of the ovary and at the style and stigma. The style is short and solid and the stigma presents a papilose epidermis. The hemitropous, bitegmic and crassinucelate ovule presents a hypostasis and an obturator, which arises from funicle. The nectary surrounds completely the ovary base. Each sepal receives three vascular traces and the petals and stamens one trace. Each carpel receives a dorsal vascular bundle and two vascular ventral bundles that maintain their individuality throughout their course. Key words - anatomy, anthesis, flower, Pilocarpus pennatifolius, Rutaceae
RESUMO – (Morfologia e anatomia da flor de Pilocarpus pennatifolius Lem. (Rutaceae)). Pilocarpus pennatifolius Lem.
(Rutaceae) apresenta flores actinomorfas, diclamídeas, nectaríferas e monoclinas, reunidas em cacho pendente. Apresenta antese basípeta na inflorescência e preferencialmente noturna. A flor possui cinco estames com anteras tetrasporangiadas, cuja parede é constituída de epiderme, endotécio, duas camadas médias e tapete binucleado; o conectivo mostra epiderme estomatífera. O gineceu é unipistilado e


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