alfabetizaçao e letramento

7220 palavras 29 páginas

O trabalho de alfabetização e letramento dos professores de educação infantil do município de
(Work literacy and early childhood education teachers of the county of Viradouro – Brazil)
Tamirys Fernanda Degobi¹; Alessandra Corrêa Farago²
¹Graduação – Centro Universitário Unifafibe- Bebedouro- SP ²Centro Universitário Unifafibe- Bebedouro- SP Abstract. This paper aims to study the practices of literacy and literacy held by preschool teachers of Viradouro. The same was divided into three parts, the first one , and write the lyrics Literacy in early childhood education , brings a foundation of terms of literacy and literacy , and must be carried out joint work with the two concepts , working with literacy letrando . The second part of this work , practices of literacy and literacy in early childhood education , conducted a literature of didactic objectives according to the age of the children , and practices resulting from the subject , indicated by renowned authors and official document , which seeks to present activities that must be performed , in order to have a good job theme proposed and finally the third part , the practice of teachers. That it is a field research conducted with four preschool teachers of
Viradouro – Brazil through a questionnaire in order to know what they think about the matter, and observations of work practices in the classroom.
Keywords. Literacy; Literacy; Early childhood education; Teachers; Practices.
Resumo. O presente artigo buscou estudar as práticas de alfabetização e letramento realizadas pelos professores de educação infantil do município de
Viradouro. O mesmo foi dividido em três partes, sendo que a primeira, Alfabetizar e Letrar na educação infantil trazem uma fundamentação dos termos de alfabetização e letramento, bem como deve ser realizado um trabalho articulado com os dois conceitos, trabalhando com o alfabetizar letrando. A segunda


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