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Saint Patrick’s Day
Celebrated on 17 March, Saint Patrick's Day (Day of St. Patrick, patron saint of Ireland), is the most important date in the country.Every year thousands of people have gathered in the center of Dublin, to attend the festivities and watch the parade of bands, floats and carriages, folk art shows, plays and fireworks in the capital's main thoroughfares. Civic-religious character (the country is predominantly Catholic), the festival attracts tourists from all over the world, ensuring an even more cosmopolitan atmosphere to the Irish metropolis.
Saint Patrick was born of a wealthy family in the Welsh town of Banwen, Roman Britain in the fourth century. Reportedly, at age 16, was kidnapped by pirates and carried to Ireland for six years subjected to forced labor in the field. As his own writings, "heard voices", which encouraged him to escape from captivity. Later, the same "voices" would lead the life of a missionary. Patrick became a priest, devoting himself to the conversion of Irish Catholicism.First bishop of Ireland, died on March 17, 461, around 70 years.Canonized in the face of miracles attributed to him, came to be revered, from the eighth century, as Apostle and Patron Saint of Ireland.
Among the deeds to prove decisive for the holiness of Patrick (Patrick), the legend that had driven all the snakes and other venomous animals of the Irish soil. Regardless of popular belief, science shows that there are no snakes in Ireland post-ice age. For the Catholic tradition, however, the fame of 'miracle' attributed to St. Patrick led him to reverence the Catholic altars, transforming it into the Irish guard preferred.

Celebração do Saint Patrick's Day em Temple bar, área dos Pubs.

The celebration of Saint Patrick's Day in Dublin, Ireland

Despite centuries of Catholic culture and the preservation of traditional religious precepts, with massive attendance at the morning Mass at the "Saint Patrick's Day," a young crowd takes to the
