15 9 Genética, biologia molecular e ética: as relações trabalho e saúde

4451 palavras 18 páginas
Genética, biologia molecular e ética: as relações trabalho e saúde
Genetics, molecular biology and ethics: work and health connection s * Este trabalho foi conduzido dentro do escopo de suport e financeiro da
Departamento d e Medicina Legal, Étic a Médica e Medicina
Social e do Trabalho.
Faculdade de Medicina,
Universidade de São Paulo.
Rua Teodoro Sampaio, 115,
05405-000 São Paulo SP
gfgattas@usp.b r 2
Departamento d e Epidemiologia, Faculdad e de Saúde Pública
Universidade de São Paulo
wunsch@usp.b r Gilka Jorge Figaro Gattás
Marco Segre
Victor Wünsch Filho
Abstrac t This paper provides a discussio n about the increasing development of genetic s and molecular biomarkers technologies an d consequent impact on practices of occupatio n - al health. Genetic analysis could be in specifi c populations at occupational, pharmacologica l or environmental exposures. Current know l - edge of human genome open up the possibilit y of individual genetic screening of disease su s - ceptibility among those exposed in workplace s to chemical or physical hazards, or for late o n - set hereditary disease. Epidemiological stu d - ies including genetic and molecular biology a p - proaches have been designed to evaluate th e interaction of genetically determined met a - bolic variants with different environmental e x - posures on the risk of diseases. The strategy fo r worker’s health promotion must be maintaine d on the surveillance of hazardous exposure risk s in occupational settings and not in worker’ s genetic screening. Ethical behavior in occup a - tional health can vary from country to cou n - try and even between occupational health pra c - titioners and researchers. To discuss the nee d for a social responsibility context in the use o f genetic information in which ethical action s in occupational health could be conducted i


  • Caderno
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  • Atividade 5
    7727 palavras | 31 páginas
  • Tudo sobre Biomedicna
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  • Tecnico em segurança do trabalho
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  • Relatoio de estgio
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  • plano anual
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  • Vestibular 2015 UEM
    5991 palavras | 24 páginas
    3035 palavras | 13 páginas
  • tecidos
    54817 palavras | 220 páginas
  • 20140630 161746
    4365 palavras | 18 páginas