2891 palavras 12 páginas
Anais XVI Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto - SBSR, Foz do Iguaçu, PR, Brasil, 13 a 18 de abril de 2013, INPE

Uso do SIG para o estudo da leishmaniose em Santarém, Pará, Brasil
Ricardo José de Paula Souza e Guimarães 1
Raquel Gonçalves 1,2
Nelson Veiga Gonçalves 1
Daniela Cristina Soares 2
Walter Souza Santos 1
Lourdes Maria Garcez 2

Instituto Evandro Chagas - IEC/SVS/MS
Rodovia BR-316 km 7 s/n - 67030-000 - Ananindeua - Pará, Brasil
{ricardoguimaraes, waltersantos, nelsonveiga}@iec.pa.gov.br

Universidade do Estado do Pará - UEPA
Rua Perebebuí, 2623 - 66087-670 - Belém/PA, Brasil
{raquelgoncalves, lourdesgarcez, danielasoares}@iec.pa.gov.br
Abstract. The cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) is a chronic infectious disease with worldwide distribution, characterized by the manifestation of lesions in the skin. The etiologic agents are protozoa of the genus
Leishmania. The epidemiology of CL has its own characteristics in each area, resulting in variables related to parasites, vectors and processes for use and occupation of soil. The aim of this study was to visualize, identify and determine the locations to capture and study of phlebotomine fauna in the municipality of Santarém / PA by using a GIS. The kernel was used to select study areas and thus realize a survey the sandfly fauna using CDC traps in intra (IH) and outside homes (OH) and Shannon traps in wild environment (WE). The kernel has identified the two major circuits spatial production of CL cases, Jatoba and Corta-Corda. The total of 222 sandflies of 15 species was captured in the two circuits. Jatoba had the largest number of specimens captured in
IH/OH and the specimen Lutzomyia longipalpis was more abundant. In WE, the largest number was captured in
Corta-Corda and Psychodopygus davisi predominated in this environment. The presence of B. flaviscutellata in
IH/OH indicates greater exposure to the domestic Le. amazonensis. The presence of Lu. longipalpis in IH/OH
