Transport planning

3440 palavras 14 páginas
Instituto Superior Técnico Departemento de Engenharia Civil e Arquitectura Master program in ‘Transportation Systems’ Course: Transport Planning and Performance Assessment

Home assignment 3: road traffic assignment and performance analysis

Giulio Piccinini Amin Acabarali



1. Characterization of the demand 2. Evaluation of network performance and identification of the critical situations 3. Evaluation and report of the impact of interventions in the critical links and on the overall network 4. Annexes 5. References pag. 10 pag. 35 pag. 7 pag. 3 pag. 4



Characterization of the demand

The trip demand for the Oeiras interurban network, as depicted by the G2 Matrix, shows that the principal generators and attractors are related to zone centroids which are in essence freeways and highways. Contrary to other Oeiras zonal definitions which are associated to local parishes, i.e. Buraca, Alfragide, Restelo, etc., the demand generated and attracted by these zones cannot be easily associated with land use patterns. This is mainly because of the fact that freeways and highways centroids are not true generators and attractors, due to the fact that, most likely, the real trip demand is originated from outside of interurban area which is demarked by the city of Oeiras. In this case, the city serves as a passage point to other destinations. The main trip generators for this area are the CREL highway, A5 Lisboa highway, 2ª Circular highway, IC-19 Sintra highway, A5 Cascais highway, the Amadora Centro zone and the Queijas zone, all of which, individually, produce an excess of two thousand and a half trips. The main attractors are the following highways: CREL-Alverca, A5-Lisboa, 2ª Circular, IC 19-Sintra, A5Cascais, and Zona Comercial - Alto Montijo. It is worthwhile to note that, among the only three trip origins / destinations that are not related to highways - the Amadora Centro zone, the Zona Comercial – Alto Montijo zone and the


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