Trabalho 2

442 palavras 2 páginas
C Reference Card (ANSI)
Program Structure/Functions type fnc (type 1 ,. . . ) type name main() { declarations statements
type fnc (arg 1 ,. . . ) { declarations statements return value ;
/* */ main(int argc, char *argv[]) exit(arg )

function declarations external variable declarations main routine local variable declarations function definition local variable declarations


Flow of Control

long (suffix) float (suffix) exponential form octal (prefix zero) hexadecimal (prefix zero-ex) character constant (char, octal, hex) newline, cr, tab, backspace special characters string constant (ends with '\0')

L or l
F or f e 0
0x or 0X
'a', '\ooo ', '\xhh '
\n, \r, \t, \b
\\, \?, \', \"
"abc. . . de"

Pointers, Arrays & Structures

include library file
include user file
#include "filename " replacement text
#define name text replacement macro
#define name (var ) text
Example . #define max(A,B) ((A)>(B) ? (A) : (B)) undefine #undef name quoted string in replace
concatenate args and rescan
conditional execution
#if, #else, #elif, #endif is name defined, not defined?
#ifdef, #ifndef name defined? defined(name ) line continuation char

declare pointer to type type *name declare function returning pointer to type type *f() declare pointer to function returning type type (*pf)() generic pointer type void * null pointer
object pointed to by pointer
address of object name
array name [dim ] multi-dim array name [dim 1 ][dim 2 ]. . .
struct tag { structure template declarations declaration of members
create structure struct tag name member of structure from template name .member member of pointed to structure pointer -> member
Example . (*p).x and p->x are the same single value, multiple type structure union bit field with b bits member : b

Data Types/Declarations

Operators (grouped by precedence)

comments main with args


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