The formation of prices from the hydrated ethanol in the brazilian fuel market

9068 palavras 37 páginas

The purpose of this study is to investigate the formation of prices for hydrated ethanol in the fuel market of the country. This research seeks to identify how to get form the hydrated ethanol price on the domestic market. The theoretical design of part of understanding covering cost price formation, economies of scale and market factors. It is then held the contextualization of ethanol fuel in the domestic market, as characterized your demand and offer, its technologies and its main thrusters in the diffusion of the fuels market. The work proceeds with the investigative methodology of internal and external attributes to form prices, what motivated you to choose a methodology based on qualitative and quantitative studies, in which one complements the other in your analysis. Presenting a methodology of descriptive, exploratory and explanatory type, the research provides reflections and understanding of ethanol market, which by means of qualitative variables predictive, enables the quantitative method, explain what variables are significant in the formation of prices in the resale through multiple linear regression model. This step shows the contribution in inferred which variables explain the formation of prices. By multiple linear regression results showed that prices are formed significantly by the producer, distributor prices and production costs. The result allows reflections guiding explanatory reasons and induce predictions about the formation of prices. In this sense, an extended reflection analyze the results allowed advantage of using hydrated ethanol, the fleet distribution variables, bases, taxes, production and number of producing plants. With regard to the prices paid to the producer, Distributor and production costs as the main explanatory variables in pricing, there is evidence for other variables, which for more than linear coefficient low has been made, these


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