Teens years

353 palavras 2 páginas
Teens years – a bed of roses... (or not)
Most people think that being a teenager is a bed of roses and it is! But as all roses our lives have petals and some thorns, which can be, in my point of view, very painful. First of all, we have to establish priorities between family, school and social life. It isn’t easy, we want to be the perfect family member, who is always there for everybody, we want to succeed and have fun and be popular. But we can’t manage to be all of these and we lose ourselves. So, we don’t have a clue how to answer the most simple question “Who are you?”. We want to be what we want to be but society doesn’t let us as well as peer pressure. You aren’t you, you are made of things that are popular and cool. All of your ideas seem wrong, so you put them way and start believing in things that, probably, you don’t agree with, but that are the most acceptable. Our lives seem perfect but they aren’t what we want. Then we have our responsibilities. Oh my God! We have to succeed, help at home and be accepted by everybody. But we can’t fulfil all of that. School is very demanding and most of the time we have to study but then we don’t have time for our family or friends. How do we cope with it all? And the future? Well, most teens don’t think about it but the decisions and the choices that we make now affect our future life, but we are just kids and so much weight on our shoulders it starts to hurt. Indeed teens years are difficult and we find some strange and confusing things about us and about the world, but it is the time that people think are easy. It is the time, when we’re figuring out who we are, what we believe in, what we’re good at, what our responsibilities are, and what our place in the world is going to be.
Ana Cruz
Nº1 10ºA
English year


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