Teatro romano x grego (ingles)

803 palavras 4 páginas
Luiz Dasilva
Test 01
THH. 101/ Dario Del Degan
February 15th, 2013.

Greek Theatre x Roman Theatre

Unlike the Greeks, the Romans were not focused on the arts, they began as farmers, surrounded by seven hills of Rome, and have always been suspicious of people from other places. There was no tradition of folk tales, and the theater had no local roots to develop. In the period before the great expansion of imperial Rome, the southern half of the peninsula was called Magna Graecia, because it is still dominated by the Greeks and their culture. Around 250 BC, Roman m smart theater decided to show the Romans and set up on a makeshift stage, a tragedy and a comedy, having witnessed the Magna Greece and translated into Latin. Only then, and well to the wells, the theater became part of life in Rome. The Roman society was much more hierarchical than in Athens, and even when by the fourth century BC the republic was created, everything was still very divided between "patrician" and "plebeian" and it was only with great difficulty that the latter were able to have some political importance. With all this, the Roman authorities did not like the people that people think much about serious subjects, and therefore the tragedy could not be accepted. The Roman government was afraid of the popularity of the theater, and thus only the parts were delivered on makeshift wooden stage, during various festivals. Only in the year 55 BC was the first permanent theater built of stone, in

Rome, but still had to be half hidden. As Rome grew more important and the Empire grew, new theaters were showing up, copied the Greeks, but a little different: instead of enjoying and mountain slopes, the
Romans built huge walls into the stands. Moreover, one central arena, circular, was cut in half from being only; choir disappeared, and who was at the half­moon central and important people were the "authorities". The number of


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