Significado das horas

338 palavras 2 páginas
To Be Afirmativa To Be Negativa
I am I’m I am not I’m not
You are You’re You are not You’re not
He is He’s He is not He’s not
She is She’s She is not She’s not
It is It’s It is not It’s not
We are We’re We are not We’re not
You are You’re You are not You’re not
They are They’re They are not They’re not

Days of the Week (Dias da Semana)
Sunday - Domingo
Monday – Segunda-Feira
Tuesday – Terça-Feira
Wednesday – Quarta-Feira
Thursday – Quinta-Feira
Friday – Sexta-Feira
Saturday – Sábado

0 Zero
1 One
2 Two
3 Three
4 Four
5 Five
6 Six
7 Seven
8 Eight
9 Nine
10 Ten
11 Eleven
12 Twelve
13 Thirteen
14 Fourteen
15 Fifteen
16 Sixteen
17 Seventeen
18 Eighteen
19 Nineteen
20 Twenty
21 Twenty-one
22 Twenty-two
30 Thirty
40 Forty
50 Fifty
60 Sixty
70 Seventy
80 Eighty
90 Ninety
100 One Hundred
200 Two Hundred
1,000 One Thousand
10,000 Ten Thousand
Eighteen Twenty
Nineteen Eighty-Seven

Conversation in Trio
Does He/She need to study English? Do you need to study English? Yes, I do. I need to study English. Yes, He/She does. He/She needs to study English.

Doesn’t He/She play the guitar? Don’t you play the guitar? No, I don’t. I don’t play the guitar. No, He/She doesn’t. He/She doesn’t play the guitar. What does He/She eat in the morning? What do you eat in the morning? I eat fruit and toast in the morning. He/She eats fruit and toast in the morning.


To need: Precisar
To Study: Estudar
To Play: Jogar, Brincar, Tocar
To eat: Comer
Guitar: Violão
Fruit: Fruta
Toast: Torrada

In the morning: De manhã
In the afternoon: À tarde
In the evening: À noite (anoitecendo)
At night: À noite (tarde da


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