Sap note 1843750 - circular bacen 3598-2012 e 3656-2013 - mudança layout arquivo bancario

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SAP Note 1843750 LC announcement:Circular 3.598/2012 and 3.656/2013
Note Language: English Version: 1 Validity:
Valid Since 08.04.2013

This note contains information about the Circular Bacen 3.598 published in 2012 and Circular Bacen 3.656 published in 2013. Central Bank of Brazil determine the boleto for collection is now defined as boleto for payment, which must have, at least, the following information: " Name of payer; " Identification of financial institution that receives the payment; " Name, address and the identification number of CPF or CNPJ from the receiver/ beneficiary; " Payment amount and due date; According to the new procedure, the Central Bank defined the Boleto Reference Value (= VR Valor de Referência) as R$ 250.000,00 and the payment of this amount or higher, has to be transferred in the same day via STR. In order to inform the mandatory data from beneficiay and payer, it has to be reported on Segment J52 after the segment J for boleto payment.

Important notes related to this legal change will be listed in the Related Notes section. This information is based on legislation and regulations which could be subject to change at any time by the respective authorities and are therefore not binding. The note will be updated if necessary.

Other terms
Segment J52, Febraban, CNAB240, boleto, Itaú, circular, Bacen

Reason and Prerequisites
Legal change published by Central Bank of Brazil.

The delivery date of this new legal change is planned for May 31st 2013 for ERP (FI-AP) and Insurance payment process (FS-CD). For more information about the released solution, see the Reference to related notes section. Note that this section will only be updated after the solution is released. The planned delivery date can only be met if the legislative procedure, including the rules and regulations, is completed or updated in time. To implement this legal change, implement the relevat corrrection instruction or apply the
