
458 palavras 2 páginas
Este questionário fornecerá dados que serão usados em pesquisa sobre o ensino de línguas. Agradecemos se você puder respondê-lo da forma mais sincera, sem deixar espaços em branco, na certeza de que os dados aqui obtidos não serão usados para quaisquer fins senão de pesquisa. Você não precisa se identificar.


1. To what extend do you consider yourself an autonomous learner? ( ) Not at all ( ) More or less ( ) Very much so

2. How would you define the term ‘autonomous learner’? _____________________________________



3. Do you think independent learning is effective? ( ) Not at all ( ) Somewhat ( ) Very much so Please justify your answer: _________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________

______________________ ____________________________________________________________


4. How did you learn English? ( ) None ( ) Regular Schools ______________________________________________ ( ) Private English Courses ______________________ ( ) CLC _________________________

5. Define your own level of motivation to improve your knowledge of English on a scale of 1 – 10, where 1 = lowest level and 10 the highest level: _____________

6. To what extent do you invest in specific study habits in order to improve your problem areas. Please use the scale from 1 – 10: __________

7. How often do you watch movies in English? ( ) Never ( ) Once a month ( ) Once a week ( ) More than once a week

8. Do you think movies can be a helpful tool in the teaching/learning of English? ( ) Not at all ( ) Somewhat ( ) Very much so

9. In general, do you watch movies…? (You can mark more than 1 option) (


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