Pingo Doce Tese

27911 palavras 112 páginas
Instituto Superior de Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa

Reposicionamento estratégico no retalho
Aplicação a um caso de estudo - Pingo Doce

Paulo Alexandre Guerreiro da Silva Dias

Relatório Projecto

Prof. Doutor José Crespo de Carvalho, ISCTE Business School, Departamento de Gestão

MAIO 2009

Concurrency’s enlargement and the globalization of the offer have transformed the quality and the price in the most important aspects for a food distribution company. With the price’s reduction, only an efficient management of value’s chain can create advantages to support a competitive position on the market.
This dissertation develops a study about the strategic reposition of Pingo Doce, a food retail insignia (from Jerónimo Martins group), in Portugal. With 2001 redefinition of Pingo Doce’s business model as the basis of our analysis, we propose to identify the main changes that occurred in the value’s chain, in order to achieve success (proved by the financial results) and to be considered a case study, from which we believe important contributes for management can be brought in.
After the strategy definition, it is important to understand how the changes at operational level were implemented. Therefore, this work focused on the value’s chain activities that allowed creating competitive advantages against other players operating in distribution sector, such as: logistics, sourcing, operations.
At the logistics’ level, we will address centralization vs. decentralization theme, and some tools that make this activity one of the most important to the retail value’s chain. At the sourcing level, we will approach the requirement of being efficient both at procurements and supply chain levels. And, finally, at the operations’ level, we will focus on the efficiency of reposition operations, the store productivity, the assortment’s rationalization and the distribution brands (private


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