Pg sap codi project

13542 palavras 55 páginas
Procter & Gamble SAP ABAP Coding Standards and Recommendations

Client Name: P&G

Version 2.1

|[pic] | |Prepared by: Eman Antonio |
| | | |
| | |Project Document Id: |
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Document Information
|Standards Name: |Procter & Gamble SAP ABAP Coding Standards and Recommendations |
|Status of the Standards: | |Document Version: |2.0 |
|Prepared by: |Eman Antonio |Document Version Date: |Jun. 20, 2007 |
|Reviewed by: |Chris Scribbins (P&G iCT) | | |
| |Thomas Seibert (P&G) | | |
| |Dan O’Brien (HP) | | |
| |Dimple Bheda (P&G) | | |

Distribution List
|From |Date |Phone/Fax
