Paper A028 BR Victor Enrique Cavero Soria

2032 palavras 9 páginas
Montevideo, 27-29 de setiembre de 2006


Um Estudo e Aplicação das Técnicas e Ferramentas de Pesquisa,
Armazenamento e Gerenciamento de Dados Nas Redes de Sensores Sem
Victor Enrique Cavero Soria, Sérgio Takeo Kofuji e Javier Ramirez Fernandes‫٭‬
¹Grupo de Computação Pervasiva de Alto Desempenho -PAD
Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo – Brasil

This article describes the study and application of the techniques and tools of research-Queries, storage - Storage and management - Manager of data in the rakes without boarded wire -RSSF since the optics of the software use and managers of data bases for the implementation and functioning of the subject in mention, will be given to special attention to the use of the tools of software Open Source, which had the one that our American Latin reality if points out in a social level, financial and technological very different of the calls the developed countries, to put counting on the presence of the same necessities, that they need to be taken care of of fast form for being of vital importance for the development of our region, will also be given to an attention the technologies proprietors to put in a lesser scale. In the management section any is our objective important to consider a Front-end environment of high transparency destined to a final user that is it, “hiding” thus all the complexity of the Back-end world of the RSSF. We aim at with this to understand and to consider the due techniques and models adjusted for most diverse and known architectures of RSSF that operate with similar protocols of communication, thus adding one high degree of technological and operational value.
Keywords: Queries, Storages, Back-end, Manager, Front-end and Open Source.

1. Introdução
A área das redes de sensores sem fio e considerada uma área de pesquisa em auge nestas últimas décadas, sendo assim diversos grupos de pesquisa
[6] vem sendo
