Oil and gaz

1099 palavras 5 páginas

Halliburton is one of tHe world’s largest energy services companies. eacH day, somewHere in tHe world, we supply our expertise, advanced tecHnologies and innovative solutions to Help our customers drill, evaluate, access, produce and maintain tHeir oil and natural gas wells in an economical and environmentally friendly way.

it takes a team of people – tHe rigHt people – to meet tHose critical needs. it takes people wHo tHrive on cHallenges and on finding solutions. it takes people wHo are up to working in new environments and constantly cHanging situations. it takes people wHo are committed to getting tHe job done, and done well every time.

keep reading to learn more about wHat it’s like to be on our team.

are you tHat person?

“major customer, Huge job, tigHt deadline? let’s go.” go succeed

it’s said tHat you’re only as good as your reputation.
What is Halliburton’s reputation in the industry? Halliburton is known for going beyond. No matter how big the challenge, we go beyond customers’ expectations, beyond our own previous achievements and even beyond what appears to be possible. We’ve earned that reputation by coming up with the smartest, safest and most innovative ways to deliver the reservoir on every job. Of course, we have an advantage: Our technologies are second to none. Our ever-growing portfolio of active patents currently sits at more than 5,000. And, whether it’s a new game-changing software or a time-tested tool, our customers know that Halliburton offers the industry’s best. It takes people – the right people – to develop these technologies and deliver them in the field. At Halliburton, innovation is not only encouraged, it is expected. That’s why in labs and technology centers around the world, our research and development teams build powerful solutions that consistently make a significant impact on the industry. We deliver these powerful technologies to our customers in more than 70 countries around the globe. They know


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