Ocupacao de favelas e game theory

683 palavras 3 páginas
Game 2 Society x People on the Favela

Society Finance Don’t Finance
Come Back Society 3 , 3 1 , 4
Don’t Come Back 4 , 1 2 , 2
After taking out the drug lords from the favelas, the government still needs to find a solution on how to reintegrate to society residents of the favelas. These people are still living in really bad conditions, without access to hospitals, schools or paved road. Their houses, most of the times located on the mountains, is also subject to “avalanches” when it rains as the occupation wasn`t planned and there had no contention mechanisms.
In order to improve these conditions there is a game between the society and people who live in the favelas.
People who live on the favelas got used to have access to many services without paying, including the right to live in a place where they invaded without paying residential taxes.
However, the reintegration to society will give them rights and duties. They know that in order to be fully reintegrated they will have to play the same game as everybody. If you want to use a service you need to pay for it. If you can`t afford, there`s nobody to finance you. Just as it happens with the rest of the people that surround them. They believe that if they come back to society in the long run no one will finance them.
Therefore the best case scenario in their minds is if, after the government occupation, they keep on the same situation that they are nowadays. That is, without coming back to society and with the financing of society. In this situation they would have a payoff of 4.
The second best case scenario for them is to come back to society being financed. In their minds they would need to move from the commodious situation but by being fully integrated to society they would have access to many opportunities that they don`t have nowadays. They would have a payoff of 3.
This situation for them is better than not coming back to society and not being financed.
Nevertheless the


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