
2169 palavras 9 páginas
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IHCA: How are you using (or planning to use) your health coach certification?
CS: I am currently working as a part time health coach. I work with women that are struggling to lose weight or maintain their weight loss. I help them make solid choices that create lasting change.
IHCA: What activities or thoughts keep you motivated and moving forward with your goals and dreams?
CS: For me there is no greater reward or anything more life affirming than to join someone on their journey towards a healthier life. It is always an honor for me to have a client trust me enough to take me on this incredible ride.
IHCA: What is your area of expertise and what kind of client do you coach?
CS: My area of expertise is weight loss. I work primarily with women and their families to help them lose weight, live a more healthy lifestyle and reinforce good habits for them and their children.
IHCA: Can you tell us about your proudest or most exciting moment as a health coach?
CS: My proudest moment as a health coach was having a client tell me she had lost 4 dress sizes because of the help and guidance she received from me.
IHCA: Do you have any special knowledge, stories or experiences within the health coaching field that you could share to help fellow health coaches reach their goals?
CS: You may have only 3 people show up to your first workshop but that won’t always be the case. Keep the faith, especially in yourself. Never give up! It really is a process and it isn’t a race. There is a Japanese proverb that really rings true, “Fall down 7 times get up 8″
IHCA: Do you have any coaching/counseling tips or tricks you’ve learned along the way that you can share with other health coaches?
CS: Let the client lead you where they want to go because chances are there is more going on than just food.
IHCA: What marketing technique do you utilize with the most success?
CS: Can you tell us more about how you use this marketing technique? I utilize


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