linguagem c

1867 palavras 8 páginas
Simpósio: Desempenho Térmico de Sistemas Construtivos Alternativos
06, 07 e 08 de Agosto de 2003 – Natal – RN

Re-using of thermofix plastic waste to the fabrication of constructive blocks.
Manoel Leonel Oliveira Neto (Dptº Física – CEFET-RN)
Dorivalda S. Medeiros (Dptº Eng. TÊXTIL)
G. S. Marinho (Dptº Eng. Mecânica )
The difficulties to recycling thermofix plastic have seriously consequences to the environment when this type of material is discarded at the end of the useful life. However, these difficulties may be overcome when the waste is re-used as aggregating material in constructive elements to the civil construction – specifically in Portland concrete. In the present work, we analyze experimentally the thermal performance of a sample of a block of cement with thermofix plastic (from the waste of a button industry) as aggregate. In the analysis, we made comparative experiments using a standard block of Portland cement and a block with 28,6% (in volumetric percentage) of thermofix plastic waste. The two systems were submitted to a thermal gradient induced by an artificial thermal radiation source. The thermal behavior of the systems was detected by thermocouples inserted in the surfaces and in the core of the blocks; the thermocouples were connected to a computer, allowing the digital registration. The collected data was used to creating a database that was used to the comparative analysis. The results proved the technical viability of the use of thermofix plastic waste as aggregate to the fabrication of constructive blocks and, consequently, to reduce the environmental impact of the waste.
Key-words: thermofix plastic waste, concrete aggregate, thermal performance.

As dificuldades na reciclagem de plásticos termofixos provocadas pelas limitações técnicas, acarretam em conseqüências nocivas ao meio ambiente em decorrência do


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