Interpretaçao textual nivel internediário

433 palavras 2 páginas
Colégio Estadual .... - Ensino Médio e Profissional
Nome: _____________________________________________nº:________ turma: _______ 19/06/2012
Leia o texto abaixo e responda as questões

Nutrition information is based on serving sizes that may vary significantly within food categories.

When nutrition information is provided, it must be based on one serving. The serving size must be reasonable, i.e., "an amount of food which would reasonably be consumed at one sitting by an adult." Manufacturers have the flexibility to determine the serving size for a given product, and therefore the serving size upon which nutrition information is provided. However, the Guide to Food Labelling and Advertising has suggested serving sizes for use in nutrition labelling.

Food Category | Serving Size | Snacks (potato chips, corn chips, popcorn, pretzels) | 28 - 40 g | Cereals, ready-to eat | 20 - 45 g | Breads, rolls, buns, bagels | 25 - 100 g | Peanut Butter | 15 - 30 g | Vegetable Oils | 5 - 20 mL |
This chart shows some of the suggested serving sizes that Health Canada has established for use in nutrition labelling.

*Vocabulary=> Therefore = consequently - manufacturers = fabricantes - upon= na - labeling=rotulagens
1. Em que é baseada a informação nutricional das embalagens de alimentos?
2. Como é estabelecido o tamanho das porções de alimentos? ______________________________________________________________________________
3. Quem determina o tamanho da porção dos produtos?

4. Qual a sugestão para o tamanho da porção que conterá as informações nutricionais dos alimentos abaixo:
Salgadinhos =__________________________ / Manteiga de amendoim=___________________
Pipoca = ______________________________ / Óleos vegetais =
