
1237 palavras 5 páginas
Simple Past X Present Perfect
Conteúdo – Professor
Simple Past Present Perfect
Não afeta o presente Afeta o presente
Indica: ação passada concluída Indica: ação passada não concluída ou com consequência para o presente
Ex.: The window was close Ex.: Somebody has opened the window at, when (aconteceu e fim.) how long, how many times (aconteceu e até agora…)
Aconteceu algo no passado. Aconteceu algo no passado e temos uma consequência no presente ideia de tempo definido ideia de tempo indefinido EXPRESSÕES DE TEMPO tempo definido…..tempo indefinido the first time was……….this is the first time
• That was my first time in Paris……..• Is this the first time you have written a sonnet?
• “You put your arm around me for the first time”…• This is the first time they have won a competition.
• The first time I saw that movie was three years ago.
- When did you eat sushi for the first time?
- I ate sushi for the first time on my dad’s 50th birthday. DIÁLOGOS
Geralmente começamos uma conversa com o Present Perfect e depois mudamos para o Simple Past quando começamos a pedir ou fornecer mais informações (de tempo).
A: “Have you ever been to the USA?”
B: “Yes, I have. I went there last year.”
A: “I’ve just had a horrible experience.”
B: “Oh no. What happened?” (at this horrible past experience)
A: I’ve been here for 25 minutes.
B: Oh no. What time did you arrive? EXERCÍCIOS para fixação
1. Complete as frases a seguir com o tempo verbal correto (Simple Past OU Present Perfect Simple):
A: (you / taste / ever) Have you ever tasted sushi?
B: Yes, I (eat) have eaten sushi at least five times so far.
A: When (you / eat) did you eat sushi for the first time?
B: I (eat) ate sushi for the first time on my dad’s 50th birthday. He (invite) invited the whole family to a Japanese restaurant.
A: (you / like) Did you it?
B: Absolutely. In fact, it (be) was so good that we (be) have been to that restaurant three times


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