Implantação do otrs

96730 palavras 387 páginas
OTRS 3.1 - Admin Manual

OTRS 3.1 - Admin Manual
Copyright © 2003-2012 OTRS AG

René Bakker, Stefan Bedorf, Michiel Beijen, Shawn Beasley, Hauke Böttcher, Jens Bothe, Udo Bretz, Martin Edenhofer, Carlos Javier
García, Martin Gruner, Manuel Hecht, Christopher Kuhn, André Mindermann, Marc Nilius, Elva María Novoa, Henning Oschwald,
Martha Elia Pascual, Thomas Raith, Carlos Fernando Rodríguez, Stefan Rother, Burchard Steinbild, Daniel Zamorano.
This work is copyrighted by OTRS AG.
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OTRS AG essentially follows the notations of the manufacturers. Other products mentioned in this manual may be trademarks of the respective manufacturer.

Table of Contents
Preface .......................................................................................................................... xii
1. Trouble Ticket Systems - The Basics ............................................................................ 1
What is a trouble ticket system, and why do you need one? ....................................... 1


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